26th Jul 23
Why choose LED over LCD?
Previously, the lower resolution and higher cost of direct LED video walls was generally prohibitive for smaller control room applications.
However, the cost of LED technology is falling, and the pixel pitch is also reducing, increasing the overall display resolution.
Having done a great deal of testing with a newly-installed 1.2mm LED video wall at our Burnley HQ, we are amazed at the image quality of control room type applications and CCTV images it delivers, even though it still has an overall much lower resolution than the equivalent size main LCD wall in our demo room.
The LED technology is completely seamless, there are no borders of any kind between LED panels and it provides one seamless display area, no matter how many panels are used to create the video wall.
Also, another plus is that the operational life of the LED technology is 10 years, typically double that of most LCD equivalents, although the investment required is still higher than for LCD display technology, but not as big a differential as previously.
The purchase and installation of the LED wall in our UVS HQ demonstration room is a significant and important investment for UVS as we expand our activities within our control room and corporate applications. It has already changed our own views, very positively, on the suitability of LED walls in control room applications, when being controlled by our UVS Lucidity video wall controller technology.
UVS is also working towards having our Lucidity controller technology available for demonstration on more LED display technology at other venues, including a central London location.
Our new LED video wall has opened our minds to ensuring we demonstrate this combined UVS-LED technology as an option to all our clients, as a potential alternative to LCD.
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